Tuesday, 5 June 2012

These days

你問我現在如何   或許有時候感覺很好,但有時候卻感覺很不好。
很矛盾吧?   因為身邊的人一直投訴   我真的很受不了。

錢。 天啊    講到錢就很傷感情。
為什麼我一定要找個有錢的    就是怕男人養不起你。
為什麼要拿我的前男友作比較?呵   住美國的   對你來說的確很有前途。

是不是你要我做什麼   我就得做什麼?我的人生就這樣得任由別人去擺佈?
說我沒理想? 我不切實際?我要求物質高?
是的,我要求很高  要完美  但有時候  有些事   經歷了一次   這輩子都會記住。
為什麼我就不能改變?親愛的   在你眼裡我算什麼?一層不變的女人?
既然我在你心裡沒有地位了  為什麼不直接地  乾脆地  丟掉我所有的東西?包括回憶。
我很可怕  更小心眼   你這樣是特地的嗎?想對我報復?再踐踏我?
好吧   對不起,就當作是我欠你的。
就這麼一次,以後我們就互不相干   別再拿那些事跟我計較  除非你放不下。
你可以選擇討厭我  把我當透明  我也會當你作玻璃。 我選擇討厭你   就因為噁心。

你愛不愛自己?為什麼要這樣來低劣自己?  在你要別人愛你之前   請先愛自己。

生活上會遇到不少的人。能否遇到個好人  需要運氣啊!
要過了一段時間   才發現,天啊   其實這一切並不重要!(搖頭   嘆氣
以後無論發生什麼事真的得讓自己冷靜   然後再好好想想。

It is terrible.  D;
Fucking that feels.Afraid to lose.
Am I okay? Not yet.I can't stand at intellect. Yes,I'm stupid.
If I'm not crazy I will not like you. I'm keep stupid and quiet.
No ever show you how I become clever. I think,it was no need.
Go die.Ya. That's my real feel.

如何要看清一個人?只要你經歷了  你就知道了。
但蠢的人   刀永遠都藏不好。 既然你都看到別人的刀了   就別傻著等別人砍。
往往最靜的人 都很恐怖。有些外裡斯文,內裡卻很豪放。(也可以是粗魯
如果有人勸你,絕對不是沒有理由的。被人利用了  真的很不值得。
累?是你自己自找的。累什麼?什麼事情上都累   你能怨誰?結果回頭一看  你將可惜沒有一個人懂你。誰會聽你發洩?說真的,別對著誰投訴你的糟糕,遲早一天絕對受不了!

雖然它不會自己消失掉, 但時間將會淡化它。
我不再看重這些每天背著的負能量     或許未來另一半可以更輕鬆些。

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Mr.know it all

Mr know it all
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Ain't it something y'all
When somebody tells you something bout you
Think that they know you more than you do
So you take it down another pill to swallow

Mr bring me down
Well ya like to bring me down don't ya
But I ain't laying down, baby
I ain't going down
Can't nobody tell me how it's gonna be
Nobody gonna make a fool out of me
Baby you should know that I lead not follow

Oh you think that you know me, know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

Mr play your games
Only got yourself to blame
When you want me back again
But I ain't falling back again
Cause I'm living my truth without your lies
Let's be clear baby this is goodbye
I ain't coming back tomorrow

Oh you think that you know me, know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

So what, you've got the world at your feet
And you know everything about everything
But you don't
You still think I'm coming back but baby you'll see

Oh you think that you know me, know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

Mr know it all
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

不知道有沒有人注意歌詞的意思   個人覺得這歌詞太應景了!
 告訴自己應該堅強的 C:

Sistar - Ma boy

Let's go S I S T A R Sistar
Baby stop breakin' my heart
You heard me
No more next time
I hope you got that boy
Hey girls It's gon' be alright
Hey boys Better make it right
Hey girls We got ya back
承诺过 拉过勾
说爱真的很难么 就这一个字
我也开始累了 oh
时间在走 可是我越喜欢你就越痛
(why you tripng boy)
Oh Ma Boy Oh Ma Boy Baby
Oh Ma Boy Oh Ma Boy Baby
Don't let me down Boy
why try'n play games with me
因为你 我不知道一天多少次
UP & DOWN Don't let me down
每天晚上我都在哭 No No
Stop breakin' ma heart
What I got what you lookin for
这是我最后的警告oh oh
This gon' be the last time
说爱真的很难么 就这一个字
我也开始累了 oh
时间在走 可是我越喜欢你就越痛
(why you tripng boy)
Oh Ma Boy Oh Ma Boy Baby
Oh Ma Boy Oh Ma Boy Baby
Don't let me down Boy
Woo Boy 越喜欢
Woo Boy 你知道我的痛吗
这样就足够 只想拥有你
Oh Ma Boy Oh Ma Boy Baby
Oh Ma Boy Oh Ma Boy Baby
Don't let me down Boy
Ma Boy
這首韓文歌我很喜歡   旋律也不會很複雜   雖然舞蹈扭扭捏捏好像跟歌詞有點不對稱Cx